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Rats in or Around your Home is a Major Concern

Rats in or Around your Home is a Major Concern

Over the past six months, we've been inundated with service calls from clients seeking assistance with rodent activity in their homes.

Reports indicate that Southeast Queensland has been grappling with a significant rat and mouse infestation for months. 

This increase in rat numbers can be attributed to a combination of favourable wet weather conditions for breeding and abundant harvests. With more wet weather forecasted, we may continue to see further infestations in parts of Queensland and New South Wales, as predicted in a 2021 article by Australia's national science agency

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While all rodents can be troublesome, rats pose even greater health risks and potential dangers compared to mice. These long-tailed critters could be scavenging for food scraps and causing damage to your property at this very moment.

If you suspect your home is at risk, it's crucial to take action early and devise a plan. 

Here's everything you need to know to effectively eliminate these troublesome visitors from your property.

What Rodents Require to Thrive 

You might be surprised to learn that the typical home in Brisbane provides all the necessities for rats and mice to thrive comfortably. Here are the three main things rats need to survive:

  • Food

  • Water

  • Shelter

Chances are, your home offers an abundance of all three, making it an ideal habitat for a robust rat or mouse population. It's essential to address each of these factors systematically to effectively control your infestation.

The Hazards Posed by Rats 

Beyond being unsightly, rodents pose significant dangers to humans. They can cause extensive damage to furniture, siding, and walls, often before you even realise they've infiltrated your home. Rats are notorious for gnawing on wires, increasing the risk of electrical fires.

We have seen first-hand damage to our customers vehicles by rats gnawing through the electricals and wiring in engine bays.

Even more concerning is their tendency to contaminate food sources with their faeces and saliva, potentially exposing your family and pets to harmful bacteria. We have seen so many case of rats inundating pet enclosures, bird aviaries and chick coops looking for food and water and at the same time endangering your pets.

Additionally, the pests and insects that travel via rat fur can transmit diseases, posing a health threat even without direct contact.

Global Ramifications of Rat Infestations 

Rat infestations extend beyond mere nuisances for individual homes; they present a community-wide concern. Rats have historically played a significant role in spreading numerous diseases, including plague, salmonellosis, leptospirosis, and tularemia, among others.

With at least three dozen diseases known to be spread by rats, the presence of these rodents poses a considerable risk to humans and pets alike. Infection can occur through direct contact, bites, improper handling of deceased rats, or consumption of contaminated food and beverages.

Preventative Measures Against Rats 

Taking proactive steps to deter rats from your property can help prevent infestations and safeguard your home and family. 

Here are some simple yet effective strategies for rat detection and removal:

Seal Entry Points: Inspect your property thoroughly and seal any holes, cracks, or gaps that rats could use to gain entry. Materials like steel wool, hardware cloth, caulk, cement, and plaster are effective for this purpose.

Proper Food Storage: Keep your kitchen off-limits to rats by storing food securely and promptly cleaning up spills. Harvest fruits and vegetables from your garden promptly, and ensure all garbage bins have tightly sealed lids. Store pet food in sealed containers as well.

Eliminate Shelter: Remove potential hiding spots for rats, such as tree limbs, old cars, appliances, and woodpiles, to discourage nesting.

Maintain Landscaping: Trim vegetation at least four feet away from your home to prevent rats from using it as a pathway to entry.

Employ Traps and Baits: Use traps and bait stations, both indoors and outdoors, to capture and eliminate rats safely. Be sure to use products that are safe for households with children and pets.

Collaborate with Neighbours: Coordinate with others to identify and address rat issues collectively, reducing the likelihood of infestations spreading.

Seek Professional Assistance: 

When dealing with a rat infestation, it's best to enlist the help of pest management professionals. DIY methods may provide temporary relief but often fail to address the root cause, leaving you vulnerable to ongoing problems. Pest experts can assess the severity of the infestation and implement effective, long-term solutions.

The Importance of Timely Rodent Removal 

If you suspect rats have infiltrated your property, swift action is imperative to protect the health and safety of your household. Rats and mice can cause structural damage, spread disease, and pose significant health risks. By implementing preventative measures and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can effectively address rat infestations and safeguard your home, your pets and loved ones.